
September 28, 2009

Time for Some Intended Results

What if Jesus would have just attempted to make it to Calvary? What if he would have sinned and disqualified himself from becoming the ultimate sacrifice for us? Then, even if he went through with the crucifixion and completed the task, the goal itself would have not been achieved. Our hope forfeited. With all of mankind’s souls at stake, His mission was accomplished, however. Praise God!

I enjoyed a powerful Word and awesome time with my sisters at the Saturday Morning Sisterhood luncheon, where Prophetess Norma’s message was “It’s Not About You, and Stop Holding Up My Breakthrough!” Afterward, the Lord put on my heart that we need to start getting some results, men and women of God. To experience the MANIFESTATION of things we have been praying for, to not only COMPLETE the tasks God has set before us, but to ACCOMPLISH the intended goal. Someone else’s breakthrough may be connected to us doing something… successfully.

For far too long, I think many Christians, have just been going through the motions. Praying, but not consciously EXPECTING or even BELIEVING that the prayer would be answered. Maybe hoping, but not expecting.

Instead of accomplishing goals and seeing the intended results, perhaps the mindset has been to simply complete a task so we can say that we did it. Have you ever prayed for someone, just so you can tell them you prayed, not even considering whether or not the prayer would be answered?

I thought of this while talking to my daughter, who was upset when I mentioned that she had not cleaned the bathroom. She defensively responded that she had indeed cleaned up. Yet with the sink still looking dirty, how could that be? She hadn’t actually “cleaned” the sink, because if she did, it would not be dirty. In actuality, her goal was to say that she had finished her chore. Sure, she had obviously wiped the sink off some, but the expected result of a clean sink was not achieved. Thus, she completed a task, but didn’t accomplish the goal.

Isaiah 55:11 says

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”(emphasis mine)

We should be expecting this from God and from ourselves.

Whatever the task is before us, let’s get it done. But don’t stop there. Let’s fulfill the mission. If there’s something hindering you from accomplishing your goals, then get rid of it. Truly, the final outcome is in God’s hands, but let’s make sure we’re not doing anything to hold up the progress. Disobedience, fear, doubt, insincerity and selfishness are big culprits. Sometimes, we sit around “waiting” on God’s timing, when he’s waiting on us to do our part.

If God called you to do something, he will equip you with everything you need. The enemy is just a bluff; he has no power. Resist him, and he’s got to flee. If God is with you, who can be against you? The only thing that can stop you from getting your intended results… is you.

September 20, 2009

We Overcome the World, Right?

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:11-12)

After living a peaceful life for some time, I found myself in a state of disarray. I had been overworking and defocusing on what I inerantly thought was a good cause. Filled with anxiety, my body responded with stress, aches and pain. I was tripping out. My behavior wasn’t the same, I was physically ill and felt like I was in a tail spin, spiraling out of control.

After a period of brokenness, I repented for my actions which could not be undone, of course. However, the lack of peace seemed to linger. It took a friend from highschool to mention that I was under attack. Sure, I had taken a short course on spiritual warfare, but hadn’t spent much time dwelling on it. After all, we overcome the world! Right? Ultimately, we are responsible for our actions, but Paul precautions us in 2 Cor. 2:11 “ lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.” In other words, we should be aware of his schemes and tactics.

After the talk with my friend, I pulled my old Disciples Victory workbook off the shelf and decided to read up on spiritual warfare. It’s one thing to be struggling with one’s flesh, but keep in mind that there are external forces at work to try to make you stumble too. I found this section in the book at it blew my mind:

Satan’s methods are designed to defeat God and humanity by limiting the gospel. He seeks to keep you from giving a verbal testimony and a testimony through example. You will not be able to spread God’s Word by your word or by your actions if you give in to Satan, and that is exactly how he tries to silence you. (MasterLife 3, The Disciple’s Victory. Avery T. Willis and Kay Moore)

After reading that, I wept more, because that is exactly what he tried to do. Silence me, and hinder the message I was sharing with a fellow Christian from taking root. Suddenly, everything I had been sorrowful about myself had even less meaning, as I realized the impact it may have had on the person I had been reaching out to. When we act in ways unbecoming as Christians, our words are diluted, if not ignored or even considered hypocritical. We may understand principles of repentance and grace, but everyone else may not. Although our hearts and intentions may be right, our credibility can be shot.

So, how do we withstand the wiles of the enemy? Like any good soldier, know and beware of your enemy. Scripture refers to Satan as the tempter, the evil one, the god of this age, the deceiver, the destroyer, to name the least. In addition to these titles which explain his tactics, he preys on our weaknesses and tries to divide and conquer; to isolate us from each other, because we are stronger in unity as we encourage one another. The list of his trickery goes on and on, but I’ll stop here for now.

I might also note that awareness of spiritual warfare is not focusing on it. Some times Christians get to rebuking the devil so much during prayer, I wonder if they’re praying to God or him. Paul tells us later in Ephesians 6:11-18 to be prepared by putting on the full armor of God. In short, the Word, faith, salvation, peace, truth and righteousness. Stay prayed up for yourself and others and be watchful. I had a friend that told me to sleep in my armor. Never take it off. LOL!

Truly, it’s not a laughing matter though. Spiritual warfare is real. There are greater forces attacking God’s peoples’ minds and lives everyday all day, but we prevail. I may have failed the test initially, but thank God for His mercy. He gives make-up exams. Next time, I’ll be suited up in my armor.

People of God, we fall down, but we get up. We may lose a few battles, but the fight is fixed. The war is won. We overcome the world, right? Right!

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. ~1 John 4:4

September 2, 2009

Does it Have Anything to Do with God?

When I started rapping as a teenager, my message was about how I was a 'DEF' Lady Emcee and you didn't want to battle with me. Mind you, this is back in the old school hip-hop days when female rappers were few. Of those to admire, I liked 'Sparky D' most and being that Roxanne Shante was her rival, amongst other reasons, I was hardly a fan. Even back then, I respected creativity, and detested the lollipop lyrics from childhood jingles that J.J. Fad was bringing with Supersonic. So, rapping was my passion, and I used to write all throughout the day, carrying my pen and pad everywhere I went.

Initially, my mother didn't say too much about my new-found hobby. Somehow or another though, Mama found one of my notebooks. Oops! Of course, she found the one that had my nasty raps. At 15 years old, what did I know about being "too hot and spicy" and that he needed "a child who was extra mild?" After that, she started paying more attention to my rapping activities and actually attended one of the concerts where I was an opening act. Me and the "We Three" crew had to rephrase some of our rhymes to appear decent and in order. Regardless, she never fully approved of me rapping after that and I used to sneak to perform and defend my title as Kandee Kisses, the "best female rapper" in Fresno.

At one point, I was asked to do a demo for a record label that was new at the time, and is still in full-force today with top-of-the-chart hits. "Unh uh! You can't do it. It doesn't have anything to do with God." Was she serious? This was a chance of a lifetime. I was even asked to just write the lyrics for some girls that Too Short was working with, and Mama still said "Nope! Can't do it!"

For years, I mean decades, I held a pinned up resentment toward my mother for not letting me pursue my dreams. Sure, I believed in God, but this was about fame and fortune... having BIG gold chains, flashy gear and fancy cars, not just an everyday opportunity. At some low points in my life, I wondered what it would have been like if I had become a famous rapper. Yet, as I began to understand the calling on my life, I see how it may have affected me for the worse. It was at the climax of those low points that I sought the very God that I ignored in my quest for stardom, as if He wasn't paying attention. The same God that brought me through all the hurdles of street life with activities that fortune would have funded and probably killed me.

Today, I'm grateful Mama didn't let me do it. (sorry it took so long to get here Mom) Today, I understand the value and responsibility of having gifts and talents. I understand that my gifts were entrusted to me to carry a message that's far greater than how not to be a sucker-MC, and I'm still alive and able to share it.

So, what's your message and what impact does it have on people? Is it anti-God, promoting violence and/or destructive, disrespectful behavior? Is it a message of hope and empowerment or despair and self-righteousness? If your message is about advancing the well-being of others in a way that brings enlightenment to love (agape), then it has to do with God, because God IS love. It may not even appear to be directly about God to have something to do with Him. The Bible, itself, has books that don't contain the word "God." The Book of Esther, for example... do your homework. Sure, some speak or write using biblical scriptures and Christianese terms, but others relate to people using their own lingo. Some paint nature or beautiful abstract pictures with deep meaning, some sing encouraging melodies, some produce beats to blast with empowering hip hop lyrics. All are called to walk alongside and be an example. You might have been working for God all along and haven't even known it. You know, He can and will use anyone for His purpose. So... does your message have anything to do with God?

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