I enjoyed a powerful Word and awesome time with my sisters at the Saturday Morning Sisterhood luncheon, where Prophetess Norma’s message was “It’s Not About You, and Stop Holding Up My Breakthrough!” Afterward, the Lord put on my heart that we need to start getting some results, men and women of God. To experience the MANIFESTATION of things we have been praying for, to not only COMPLETE the tasks God has set before us, but to ACCOMPLISH the intended goal. Someone else’s breakthrough may be connected to us doing something… successfully.
For far too long, I think many Christians, have just been going through the motions. Praying, but not consciously EXPECTING or even BELIEVING that the prayer would be answered. Maybe hoping, but not expecting.
Instead of accomplishing goals and seeing the intended results, perhaps the mindset has been to simply complete a task so we can say that we did it. Have you ever prayed for someone, just so you can tell them you prayed, not even considering whether or not the prayer would be answered?
I thought of this while talking to my daughter, who was upset when I mentioned that she had not cleaned the bathroom. She defensively responded that she had indeed cleaned up. Yet with the sink still looking dirty, how could that be? She hadn’t actually “cleaned” the sink, because if she did, it would not be dirty. In actuality, her goal was to say that she had finished her chore. Sure, she had obviously wiped the sink off some, but the expected result of a clean sink was not achieved. Thus, she completed a task, but didn’t accomplish the goal.
Isaiah 55:11 says
“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”(emphasis mine)
We should be expecting this from God and from ourselves.
Whatever the task is before us, let’s get it done. But don’t stop there. Let’s fulfill the mission. If there’s something hindering you from accomplishing your goals, then get rid of it. Truly, the final outcome is in God’s hands, but let’s make sure we’re not doing anything to hold up the progress. Disobedience, fear, doubt, insincerity and selfishness are big culprits. Sometimes, we sit around “waiting” on God’s timing, when he’s waiting on us to do our part.
If God called you to do something, he will equip you with everything you need. The enemy is just a bluff; he has no power. Resist him, and he’s got to flee. If God is with you, who can be against you? The only thing that can stop you from getting your intended results… is you.