
June 30, 2009

You are My Poem (poem)

You are my poem
You have a soul
You live within the confines of the blue lines whereupon I have inscribed you
Birthed from my heart with passionate phrases
I created you for greatness
Shaped, fashioned and formed you with purpose
breathed life into you with my spoken word
You are a living poem

You’re not just any poem
you are my favorite
I’ve written several sentences and phrases
a paragraph or two, but you…
you are my most prized possession
When I finished your last word
I read you over and over from beginning to end
I said, “This is good!”

Then, a thief came along and tried to claim you as their own
jumbled your lines to make you appear in a different form
remixed your sound, now you think you’re just a hook
But look!
Know that I am the Author and Finisher of your being
You are a part of my book
The #1 Best Seller

You are an original
created in my likeness
I poured myself into you
You have my power, my style, and my flow
You are not a remix
You are not simply a bunch of words with no meaning
You have an amazing sound and rhythm of your own

I created you with purpose
on purpose
and for a purpose
Know your worth!
You have the power to impact the world
to stand as a legacy to represent me
Before you were typed, I defined your destiny

The paper you live upon may fade, tear or rip
digital copies may be deleted or zipped
but you will always exist
for eternity with me
and in the hearts of all the lives you’ve touched with your beauty
You are my poem

Candace Baldwin © 2009-2013. All rights reserved

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